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After a very long time, I am once again recommending a knitting pattern for socks. While browsing the internet, I came across the “Minecraft” pattern (also known as the waffle pattern). There are different variations of the pattern, which is only knitted with knit and purl stitches.

minecraft block earth

Minecraft made me think of the game at first 😄, but there are similarities 😉 Clearly visible blocks. I really enjoyed the pattern, it is simple but looks like a lot. I also knitted the boomerang heel for the socks for the first time. Normally I always knit the classic heel, as my mom taught me years ago. But it was about time for something new 😉 It worked quite well, although sometimes I didn’t pull the thread tight enough and now have a few small holes.

Instructions Minecraft pattern

I knitted the two pairs of socks with a 6-ply sock wool, but the pattern also works with a 4- or 8-ply wool. The total number of stitches on all needles must only be divisible by 4.

You can make the socks with a cuff (e.g. 5-10 cm alternating 2 knit stitches and 2 purl stitches) or simply start with the pattern straight away.

But first the sequence if you have started with a waistband:

  • 3 rounds: knit stitches
  • 3 rounds: alternately purl 2 stitches, knit 2 stitches
  • 3 rounds: knit stitches
  • 3 rounds: alternating 2 knit stitches, 2 purl stitches
  • and again from the beginning 😉

If you want to knit without a cuff, simply start with the 2nd block, i.e. alternating 2 knit stitches and 2 purl stitches.

Here is a link to a size chart for socks with a heel cap and for boomerang heel to see for which size you have to cast on how many stitches 😉

Minecraft pattern socks

Other variants

There is then a 3-3 variant, where the total number of stitches must be divisible by 6.

  • 3 rounds: knit stitches
  • 3 rounds: alternating purl 3 stitches, knit 3 stitches
  • 3 rounds: knit stitches
  • 3 rounds: alternating 3 knit stitches, 3 purl stitches
  • and again from the beginning 😉

It’s actually not difficult, you just have to be careful not to miscount the rounds 😄 I like to get distracted from time to time and it’s happened to me that a block didn’t fit properly.

Have fun knitting.

Kind regards

Witch Saphirija

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By Saphirija

Seit 2007 begeisterte Bloggerin. Gründerin und Hexe des Weltenwanderer Blogs. Hüterin der Hexenschafe. Leidenschaftliche Weltentdeckerin.

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